Monday, September 29, 2008

Youth Waterfowl Hunt 2008

This years hunt was one to remember it started with Gunner sleeping over cause we were getting ready for the annual Youth Waterfowl Hunt in the morning. We woke up at 6 am and got to the secret pond after a bit of trouble with getting lost then forgetting the shells. Right off the bat a nice big duck was flying towards us. Gunner knocked down the male Mallard it was like a 50 yard second shot across the pond. Cash being the amazing gun dog. Went into the weeds and found the duck!!!! It was truly amazing that he did cause I didn't think we had a chance of finding it. Then Gunner missed a couple other ducks and then knocked down a Blug Winged Teal that flew right into our decoys 5 ft away. He was so proud he hit it on the take off!!! Then he missed some more and more, which is all part of the fun of it!!! Then as were almost ready to go, a flock of 4 Green Winged Teal came in right at us and Gunner pulled up the gun and on the first shot knocked down two it was cool!!!! Then missed the others as they flew away kocking himself almost to the ground on the shot. In all we shot a box of shells and killed 4 Ducks. (whick was double from last year). It was a ton of fun to see Gunner so excited and do so good. (even though he missed a few) Cash did more then great. He brought back all the downed birds and minded very well. On Sat afternoon Gunner and I build a sweet duck blind that sits up about 5 feet out of the water and it about 10 feet long and 5 feet wide it should be very nice compared to standing in the mud. It was a great outing full of laghts and hi-fives...the one thing that was missing was having Jeremy and Jordan there. Its so much fun hunting all together as brothers. Now Gunner is as cocky as ever with his success and war wound brouse! Just a quick recap of last years youth hunt 2007: Gunner got his hunter safey a week before the hunt so Jeremy and I took him out to our secret spot on his first ever Duck hunt. The weather was hot until a storm blew in and made some ducks fly. Gunner shot two Teal and missed a couple others. It was a awesome to see him do so well on his first time shooting a shootgun. We had to leave early so he could get to his baseball game. Jer and I were pretty proud. Busting the trail to the spot was crazy in the Jeep. Here are some pics of last years hunt:

1 comment:

Jer or Stef said...

That hunt was so fun last year. You are such a good brother to Gunner.