So I usally try to post my stories/report of my latest trips as soon as possible. The reason being that if you wait a day or two I lose some of the feeling and emotions that came along with the adventure. So with that regaurd, I am going to start out with an overview of this past week. The good, bad, and ulgy. So to put things in to persective our annual Fishing Frenzy went from June 12th - 16th, I was home for two days and left to New Mexico for work the 19th-22nd. So now you understand how crazy life has been and why I needed some relief. So Monday, June 23rd after work was over I called up my Brother-in-law who just returned from Twaiwan serving an LDS Mission and asked him if he wanted to hit the Provo. Like most return missionaries he didn't have much going on so we were off to see if we could hit the summer Caddis Hatch. As we approached the section of river I had planned on fishing, the hole was already taken ( what a surprise for the Provo) The other problem we ran into is that the water was running high and fast. (which is good) but we couldn't cross the river to get to my other favorite hole. We settled at an ok seem and worked San Jaun's and Sow Bugs right on the bottom. To my surprise Andrew who had never been Fly fishing on a river before hooked up with a nice 13 inch Bow. It was great to see the excitement of a new fly fishermen try to reel in a fish with line everywhere and complete uncontrol.

I remember those days and still have them. As it started to get dark we moved back upstream to Hoovers hole in anicapation of a great Caddis hatch later that night. The hatch did come off, but not in big numbers and only a couple of fish we keying on them. Andrew hooked up with a nice fish that completely broke his 8 pound test, so I finally decided it was time that I strung up my pole and try my luck out too. Since I had recently broke my Orvis I was using my brand new 9" 10 wt. Which was pretty dang stiff for little Caddis flies. After a couple casts I had a nice fish hooked up. I handed Andrew the pole so he could get a feel of fighting a bigger fish on a rod and just like you know it, the dang fish got all wrapped around the sticks and ended up swimming free. In all it was a great night to be out on the Provo introducing Andrew to a sport that I hold dear to me and on the other hand letting him reintroduce himself to the beauty of the Rocky Mtns. We got home at 10:45 pm
On Tuesday morning at 5:45 am, I went Mt. Biking with Brent(Lambert Park) then went to work and straight from work went biking again with the Payson Boyz on Blackhawk. It rocked except for the flat tires, bike issues and left camel pak which all added to getting home at 11 pm
Weds. I found myself back on the Provo with Wayne and Brent. We didn't play around this trip we started of the night nymphing Sow bugs and PTs. We got to Hoovers at about 7 pm and within the first 5 mins I had a 17-18 inch Bow saddled up and taking me for a good ride. It was a fat healthy trout that wanted just one more Sow bug. I caught another 16 inch football Rainbow, before calling it quites with the Nymphs. As it got darker the hatch really never can off. There were a few fish rising, but not even concidered good. I tied on a Para- Caddis, Para- Adams and killer caddis emerger. My first cast with the emerger I hooked into a scrapy little bow. It was awesome to see that 14 inch bow fling itself out of the water while it took my little emerger. I was like "WHAT! that was close to my flies, hook set. FISH ON!"

My last fish came as the biggest surprise. I had just retied my flies and said just cast in the shallows like this and with in a second of my flies hittling the surface. I had a 18 inch Brown nail my Para Adams. It really caught me off gaurd.

As it got darker I was getting colder, but the action for Wayne and Brent finally heated up. Wayne hooked up but got rapped, where as Brent hooked up to a hog brown topped of a great outing at Hoovers.

The thing I will never forget about this last trip is how cold I got. I was freezing to the bone. I will always wear waders and boots for now on when I fish the late night Caddis action. I liked what Brent said "I don't care if I even fish or get my flies wet, I am just glad to be out here" I love it!!! We got home at 11 pm
Thurs, stayed home and got reorganized and recharged on being a good husband.
Friday, took the Jeep in to get A/C recharged. Had a couple hours to burn while waiting, so I picked up Gunner and Tanner and hit a little local bluegill and bass pond. Gunner is getting really good at Fly Fishing and land many little bluegills. He is a natural when it comes to casting and reading the fish. I made him do almost everything himself today which will help him grow in the long run. Tanner on the other hand did really good catching a hand full of bluegills, but needs a little more help on the art of casting a rod and where to place a fly. But when I think about it I started when I was 16 and they are only 11 and 9. It's awesome! Here are a couple pics of lasts years trip to the pond:

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