Tuesday, April 8, 2008

A Day To Learn

So on Thursday I felt like I was totally out of the loop of fly fishing. I didn't know where to go and frankly what the heck was going on. I hate that feeling, because to me that signals that I haven't been fishing enough to be very consistent. I had to redeem myself. I didn't have any plans set in stone for Saturday, so that was my plan find out what Liz was doing and try to work it in at all costs, and it worked! Liz wasn't really up to wanting to hit Sundance one last time and I think she could tell I was aiming to hit the river. You know the fishing fever attitude. So on Friday night after our little date night at Applebee's I went into my office and started tying BWO Emergers like a made man. As A River Runs through It came to an end, I could barley keep my eyes open and I knew I was going to be waking up in a few hours. I left the house at 8am and was on my way to the Middle Provo again. One thing I find interesting is the stress I put on myself to pick the spot I will start fishing from. With friends I can ask for some advise or input but when you are solo. It is a whole different story. The whole drive up the canyon and around Deer Creek I debated which area I would fish and what would be the best spot. If I turn gray I know part of that is due to picking spots to fish. So after much thought I ended up where I left off at the rail road tracks. I fished the morning with nymphs out of the big hole below the bridge and landed two nice browns. But then I did what I should have down more the last time I fished. Move around more. I started working my way up the river. But just like my new self I only made it to two different holes before it was time to get some lunch. Granted I caught quite a few fish in those to holes. It is funny I used to be a speed fishermen but now I find myself sitting and spending my time trying to figure out different kind of holes instead of just catching the dumb few fish out of every hole and moving on to the next. I really like to dissect each hole. fishing different depths and techniques until the hole is either fished out or until I have tried just about everything and I am bored with it. The rest of the days story is best told below. I did finally get the BWO hatch that I hoped for, and yes, I did feel very rejuvenated and back to my former proud self.

Summary of the day...Recording earlier with a different mind set...

In the life of a fly fisherman there are few things that rival the first spring Blue Wing Olive hatch. For me it signals the ending of cold weather and the mark warmth. This past Sat. with Liz's ok I packed up the Jeep and ventured to Midway in search of the elusive BWO's. The weather was perfect in a fly fisherman's eyes. It was wet, cold, and overcast. Perfect for BWO fishing! The day started off a little on the slow side with a few browns being netted here and there. By noon, I was about frozen to the bone and long awaiting the PB&J's I had packed. As I walked back to the
Jeep along the old Heber creeper railway. I stopped and looked over the spring creek that I caught my very first fish on a fly rod. I couldn't help but think of the impact that day has had on my life. It's funny the fish was only 6 inches long and it was the only one I caught, but yet I was hooked for life. So as I gazed over the creek, I saw something that I was looking for the whole day, rising trout!!! The BWO Hatch was happening and I was in the right place at the right time. I love it when things work out the way you planned! I fished the creek and landed one little trout and that was enough. I needed warmth and food. After a quick lunch I switched locations to where the spring creek flows into the Provo, there the fish are larger and that is exactly what I was looking for. The rest of the day was magical. It is what I would consider as a great day on the river. I caught fish with Nymphs, Emergers, and my favorite Dry Flies. As my phone rang, I knew it was Liz and I knew I would soon have to come back to reality. As I looked at the clock it was 5:00pm, I had been on the river for 9hrs, lost in my own world. I raced down the canyon, got changed and made it just in time to still get the last remaining soft chair at Priesthood Conference.

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