This outing was set up by Brent to give Steve and Jason a little taste of what the Provo has to offer. Well it worked out, but in a way I didn't think it would. I was planning on spending most of the time with one of them, but instead I invited my little Bro Gunner for his first Caddis Hatch and the chance to catch his first fly fishing fish on the Provo. I picked up Gunner at about 6:30pm and we headed straight for the river. Brent and the crew would meet up later. We got to the river and it was practically empty. A hunch said go to the island riffles so we got to the riffles and the PMDs were everywhere. So we strung up Gunner with a Para PMD and a Killer Caddis as his dropper. The fish weren't really rising with much contestantly, but on Guns first cast he had a hit and then the second cast missed another. Finally on his 20th or so cast he hooked into a little Brown that marked his accomplishment of catching a fish on the Provo.

He hooked up one other time and missed quite few other takes. After coaching Gun I decided it was time to give him a break and fish a little.

I hooked up with two large Browns on the north end of the Island, but they both out smarted me and somehow spit the hook. As it started to get a little darker we moved up to the east side of Hoovers. (my favorite spot) Right away Gun hooked into his largest fish on a fly rod. It was a 20+ Brown that jumped and then went on a run that all most made Gun crap his pants. Instead he held onto the line and broke the monster off. After a quick lesson on fighting large fish on a fly rod. Gunner was hooked up once more with a big brown. This time he was ready and after 3 hard runs he brought the bruiser to the net. It was awesome to see his excitement and accomplishment in his eyes as he fought the large trout.

The rest of the night was the Travis Gillespie show staring, that's right ME! I don't know if it was something I ate, but I landed several hog Rainbows that wouldn't stay off my Killer Caddis. The second to last fish of the day was the largest Bow I have landed out of Hoovers . It was a sweet fish with a tuff attitude.
It was a great hatch with very large tan Caddis flying everywhere. We stayed out on the river until 11: 15 pm. It was a great time with my little brother Gunner who is going to become a master fishermen. Down the river Brent, Steve and Jason all caught fish and had a great time. That's what the Caddis hatch does, it makes people have fun in a wild, rugged, scary, dark way. Can't explain it, its just amazing.
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