Monday, November 17, 2008

Limited Time=Lots of Fish

This past week has been one of intense and focused fishing. With only a mere 2 hours of fishing (3:30-5:30pm) I would cut out the wondering and focus on runs that would produce big healthy Browns. For the amount of time I fish it has been really good this past week...
Tues-Nov 11th (See other post)
Weds-Nov 12th Fished with Gunner-Sight Fishing for Hooked Jaw Browns (Sorry no pics, forgot camera)
Thurs-Nov 13th-Solo and Bad Weather- I decided to mix things up and film a couple fish before the storm got to rainy...It was a great night for fish numbers....(TP) See below

Fri-Nov 14th-Met Hoss on the River around 2pm...Fished #24 BWO to risers with constant hookups on smaller Browns. Decided to move up the river in search for running Browns. Hoss hooked up with a hog and had to run...
As I was left solo on the river I decided to work my way up river with sight fishing and the hopes of a 25+inch Brown...I never found my Brown, but with the perfect lighting and a beautiful fall color Brown it was a trophy to be had at 20 inches
Just Cool Pics...Am I Pro? After one of the windiest afternoons the evening graced myself with the perfect ending to a pretty perfect day..."Only if I wouldn't of lost that one"

Sat-Nov 15th-Stillwater-I don't want to talk about it...I got my butt kicked...again

Monday- Nov. 17th
We set out to catch some Browns and hopefully get Gunner some more practice landing big fish. It was his best out so far and one that will help him progress into a great fishermen. I didn't help him one bit...Atta boy Gun
"Do think I can catch one first cast?" Yep Gun
Gunner and I fished until our hands were froze and the fish were to easy to hook. It was a good night.

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